Write GPIO in BCM mode

raspberry gpio connection

gpio_out *pin *on|off


# use (BCM) 17 pin = on
gpio_out 17 on
# wait 5 seconds.
sleep 5
# use (BCM) 17 pin = off
gpio_out 17 off

Make GPIO PIN object :

gpio_object *ID *type *pin none *pull

*ID = objectID

*type = in

*pin = BCM pin number (1-40)

*pull = pull_up | pull_down

Read GPIO object:

gpio_check *ID *type *condition *value CALL *fnc ELSE *fnc

*id = id_name

*type = in | out

*condition = equal | great | less

*fnc = call to your subfunction script


# -pir input
gpio_object pirID in 14 none none
gpio_check pirID in equal 1 CALL alarm
# -button
gpio_object btnID in 23 none pull_up
gpio_check btnID in equal 1 CALL function

# ...

Close the GPIO object

gpio_close *ID

Close the GPIO object


# ...
gpio_close PIR1
gpio_close PIR2
# ... # ...
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