Automation and Home control

To work this demo needs: a USB-Webcam, a PIR sensor, a DHT11 / 22 temperature sensor, two Relays, this demo can be found in SgneepBox (File Tool) with the name DEMO_DOMOTICA_02:

press INSERT button in the SgneepBox Editor for open SgneepBox folder function

In GraphView you can move graphic objects as you like. WARNING! after the modifications to the graphic elements through GraphView remember to update the script with: MenĂ¹ bar / Graph-Mode / Update_Script, in the Visual Editor, you can rearrange the logic of the script, and you can rearrange the images by entering the 'GraphView' mode:

after Background folder is pressed

All parameters must be controlled by script, as XY axis and Dimension, etc...

At the moment Gauges, Level and Video are not viewable from 'GraphView', these will be integrated in future versions.

Now, press 'Run Script' button for Launch this Demo:

after System Fonts if pressed

for final results press 'Run Script' button:

after Slider folder if pressed